10.03.2015, 09:35
Последний раз редактировалось NinjahZ; 10.03.2015 в 09:50.
Причина: FIXED
Okay, so upon entering game, I have a payslip system that works every hour, if I use the /usemarijuana command before the payslip comes up, it makes my screen blank, like grey/white, but if I get my payslip first, the effects are as intended, what could the problem be? :/
EDIT: FIXED, it was a error with the payslip system, due to poor scripting
all is well now! no screen problems, I think the problem was the gametextforplayer's were getting mixed up some how but I cleared it up!
EDIT: FIXED, it was a error with the payslip system, due to poor scripting