[FilterScript] Simple Captcha System | Keep away your server from Bot(s)

Hey guys today I created a new Captcha system for me, Since it has bugs, It is in ALPHA version, It only uses 1 include, A Special Include.
Well you can save your server from bots.

  • Me - Scripting, Textdraws, FS
  • Kaliber - Special Include , Text.inc
When you fail the captcha you get kicked, You will need the KickBan include to show the message properly before getting kicked.
The captcha's are random but I cant get it why they wont change, I have provided a list of RandomWords[]
You can add more but don't make very big

Solid Files

- No pastebin, My country blocked it.

(EDIT: A guy did it!)

Captcha.pwn - http://pastebin.com/99LF4798
text.inc - http://pastebin.com/B9pQTNN8

You have rights to edit this filterscript.
You don't have rights to remove the credits.
You have rights to make a new updated thread with new system of edit with only permission!.

Any screenshot ?

sorry later, I am downloading very big file, 9 gb so sorry
Find it yourself.

9GB isnt too big; you can download it in 2hour at my house; also depends on your internet speed

I know but net over here sucks, 500 KB/s
anyways I cant post screenshots

I don't see the need for this? Having a login / register system would suffice.

Originally Posted by Luis-
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I don't see the need for this? Having a login / register system would suffice.
Newer, with RakSamp you can register and login. So, this is useful.

SolidFiles doesn't work for me, it's being blocked by my virusscanner and attempts to download some exe file.
Can you upload somewhere else?

Originally Posted by PowerPC603
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SolidFiles doesn't work for me, it's being blocked by my virusscanner and attempts to download some exe file.
Can you upload somewhere else?
Use the link bellow the green bar. It says " Direct Download" ^^

Originally Posted by GCLeandroGC
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Use the link bellow the green bar. It says " Direct Download" ^^
Gives me the same result.

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