Windows 8 + Client 0.3.7 RC1 + Crash Exception @ 0x0342E963 + Can't kill gta_sa.exe process

There's a problem. The client crashes after opening and closing my localhost server like 5 times while staying connected to it.

How to reproduce the bug:
1. Start SA-MP and connect to your localhost server ip.
2. Close the server and don't quit SA-MP.
3. Go back to step 1 and do it about 5 times, it'll crash.

This always used to happen except that in 0.3z it only freezes your computer making you have to restart if you're on full screen mode so I've to ALT + Enter and test on Windowed mode on that one so I can kill the process. This is horrible if you've to test something you're scripting since there's no real way to kill the gta_sa.exe process except for either logging off the Windows account or restarting the computer. The 'Report Crash' Window stays on top of all the Windows and the process doesn't close. Just wanted to report this. As a workaround I may disable the crash log when I'm testing on SA-MP.

Crash log (Written by hand, can't even select it)
This won't have any use if the addresses are dynamic on the client

SA-MP 0.3.7-RC1
Exception At Address: 0x0342E963 <- Not an invalid address
Base: 0x03420000

EAX: 0x00000000
EBX: 0x00000584
ECX: 0x00000584
EDX: 0x0028FC64
ESI: 0x00000001
EDI: 0x0000001A
EBP: 0x75FF9F10
ESP: 0x0028FD7C

Part of the stack:
+0: 0x00000000 0x034BDF36 0x0053DFE2 0x00000000
+10: 0x0053EAA6 0x0168E2E4 0x0053EAC4 0x442A0000

Update: The addresses are dynamic I believe because it always crashes at a different address.

Win8, Win8.1, Win10 works fine.

rly, i'm use win 8.1 64bit, didn't notice any crashes

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