Saving to a file

This is a tricky part of scripting for me.

I will try and explain it the best i can.


When i type /createquest <questname> It will create a .txt file of the name. I have done that part here.

CMD:createquest(playerid, params[])
        new string[128];
          if(isnull(params)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED1, "ERROR: /createquest <questname>");
                format(string, sizeof(string), "Your quest will be saved as %s.txt", params);
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED1, string);
                format(savestring, sizeof(savestring), "%s.txt", params);
                new File:ftw=fopen(savestring, io_write);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_START, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Create Quest", "Quest Name\nQuest Start Position\nEnd Position\nSave", "Done", "Cancel");
                 return 1;

Thats great. That works fine and it creates the file. The only problem i have is that i do not know how i can add text to that file.

As it works through a dialog system. I want it so the text file is created. When someone types in the Quest name from another dialog, it will add it to the Text file.

if(dialogid == DIALOG_NAME)
	    if(!response) //
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED1, "You didn't set a name");
	    	new string[128];
	    	new namestring[128];
     		format(string, sizeof(string), "You named your Quest: %s", inputtext);
       		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED1, string);
       		format(namestring, sizeof(namestring), "QuestName: %s", inputtext);
       		new File:ftw=fopen(savestring, io_append);
       		fwrite(ftw, namestring);

   			return 1;
So what i have done here is. Create a dialog that asks for text input for a name.

Because the file FTW has been created under a command, it is not available to use under any other public. So on that part of code i have attempted to "Re open" the file and write in it. However that doesn't seem to work.

PS The reason why i did
new File:ftw=fopen(savestring, io_write);
underneath the CMD is because i want to be able to change the name of the text file when i first create it. E.G /createquest questname which will save as questname.txt

I hope i made sense and i would appreciate it if you guys could help or atleast try.

What about adding fclose when you finish editing of your file?

Wow... just that little thing worked. Thanks so much

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