Roleplay Mappings, Modern - Realistic?

What do you guys think about having only modern and realistic mappings in a Roleplay server ?
And what about having modern exterior buildings, will it destroy SA-MP charm or it will make it better?

Depends how good it is, if it's good - of course it would be awesome to have modern mapping.

it depends on what kind of atmosphere you want to build...

It's not only about me.. I belive most of the servers will start using them since Texture Studio has been made, i only want to see some opinions.

I think that roleplay servers should focuss on interiors more than exterior (when it comes to mapping)
for example, it could be an island, but with a nice script, it could become something awesome, another good example could be prision roleplays, which focuss more on interiors and script rather than stupid looking exteriors.

Yes. Texturing makes a big difference. The only thing is you're limited to what GTA SA has in their textures files. Roleplay mappings can bring a lot of people in, I made a similar version to texture studio that basically works the same (I didnt know about TStudio at the time :S) and it made a difference in the players that wanted to join etc

Depends on the talent

I say yes.

Modern & realistic mappings, makes a rp server cool...

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