Random Spawn Bug

How can I make something like when you make like random spawn, only one player will spawn on one place.
Like if I put this values as random spawns

121,21,12 //I want only 1 player to spawn here
121,212,12, //I want 2nd player to spawn here
12121,2121,121 //I want 3rd player to spawn here
12,12,12112 //I want 4th player to spawn here

So no one spawn in the same place. Please some help.

There are several ways you can do this.

Assign variables to make them dynamic.
You can use 'static' co-ordinates and place them between brackets.
You could use a switch combined with Random();

You should use an array that stores coordinates, and a boolean or integer value.

Then you can loop the array, and find a coordinate with an unset boolean / integer value. Then, set the integer's value to 1 when spawning with said coordinate.

Thanks for trying to help me, but can you please show me little code?
Like how to do those
Please help Abagail

pawn Код:
#define MAX_SPAWNS 3
enum SpawnEnum
    Float: x,
    Float: y,
    Float: z;

new SpawnData[][SpawnEnum] = {

new CoordinateUsed[MAX_SPAWNS];

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    for (new i = 0; i != MAX_SPAWNS; ++i)
            SetPlayerPos(i, SpawnData[i][x], SpawnData[i][y], SpawnData[i][z]);
            CoordinateUsed[i] = 1;
            return 1;
    SetPlayerPos(playerid, 0, 3, 3); // If there are no array spawns left, TP them here.
    return 1;
Then make sure to set CoordinateUsed to 0 when they are no longer occupying the spawn. Your welcome!

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