10.02.2015, 13:57
Последний раз редактировалось SecretBoss; 07.06.2015 в 11:24.
(Last updated: 10/2/2015)
Developer: SecretBoss, DaBig
Hello all guys, I am creating this gamemode some months now, once my server is not getting a lot of members online I stopped and I got another gamemode and now I am adding and fixing all bugs etc. I publish my server's gamemode the one that I scripted alone, Also I used Jake's login/register administration system it has a lot of features and it is very useful and easy on use, another filterscript I used is xVIP system for vips, I have combined it into the gamemode in Build 3 but I don't want to share it
Many features have been added in this gamemode, I will list some of them but I can't remember all of them anyway I will update this list frequently to inform you about features
- Objects arround San Andreas (Map Pack)
- Log/Register System
- Administration System with 5 levels
- Spawns
- Many teleports (/teles)
- Kill streak system
- Horn Jump, help dialogs, flip car etc. with Keys (/keys)
- Much of commands /cmds
- Rules (/rules)
- Hostname changes every 2 seconds
- Score + money when you kill someone
- You spawn with guns
- Godmode system
- Afk system
- MoneyBag system
- Reaction system (removed it was bugging)
- Help system
- Private Message system with /r
- Players are able to spawn cars with /v
- New /ask system to /ask something to online admins
- VIP Systemwith a lot of commands /vcmds
- /forum and /website commands to give a link to your forums or website (You can remove it)
- /credits (Please do not remove credits
- Textdraws when you join
- Texrdraws when you are playing
- Textdraws when you type a unknown command
- [+] and [-] system when a player joins to server
- /news command for players to get updated
- /givecash command for players to give cash one each other
- Sound plays when you join
- /report, /login, /stats, /register systems
How to make yourself Admin
After installing your server, go in-game type the command /rcon login <Your RCON PASS> and then type /setlevel <Your ID> <5>.Level 5 is the max levels
How to install the server
Just extract "New Gaming Class" folder to your desktop or somewhere else and copy/upload all files you will find in "New Gaming Class", do not forget to copy/upload "server.cfg" file for configuration
If you will face any problem with installing the gamemode and filterscripts leave a reply
How to use SQLite
First you have to download SQLite manager/program from here
Then open the progarm (NO installation is needed)
Now press CTRL + O
After opening your .db file go to browse data
So now click on "Admin" area and change it to 5
Re-upload it and you are level 5, you can do this to control/demote/promote your admins
Also you can do the same with bans etc.
Server is bug-free, every bug I faced I fixed it expect Reaction Test that will be fixed in next version
If you find any bug report it with a reply and it will fixed in next version, if I will publish another version because
I will not use this gamemode anymore
Gamemode Testing
So if you want to test the gamemode you can easily connect to my server with this IP:
NOTE: The server is running currently in Build 1a so many of the updates will not be visible to this server maybe I will update the server with Build 2 but I don't have time for this
Includes & Others
All includes are in the pawno/include folder more than the required includes to edit the server
How to edit the texts
You can easily edit the texts, client messages, welcoming messages etc by opening the Pawno and compile it after the editing
How to do it?
First go to your folder and click on "Pawno"
Now double-click on pawno.exe file
Now go to File -> Open
And open the gamemode
Now edit the texts and click on "Compile" button
You can do the same with filterscripts
Pictures & Videos
Sorry, I don't have time for pictures you can in my server and test it by yourself
Once the other versions, Build 1 and Build 1a were bugged I will not publish them
All credits can be found in game by /credits command (Do not remove the credits please)
Also I would like to thanks all the guys who helped me to learn how to scripting and suggesting new suggestion
Mirros are ALLOWED
If you find any bug report it, also do not judge me this is my first gamemode
If this gamemode helped you and you used it give me a REP+ it is enough to tell me thanks about the time I spent to script this gamemode