script request

Vehicle System
Vehicles can be bought from shops around the map, you can only buy a vehicle if you have enough slots. All vehicles should be available except for remote control cars, police cars and a few specially selected limited edition cars.
Vehicles should be locked to the owner and anyone who have keys to the car which can be given on command by the owner. Vehicles can be parked so they always respawn at the same spot.
Vehicles should be deleted for a 50% refund of its initial value if it hasn't been visited for a month or you have had no car slots for 2 weeks.
Vehicles can be sold for a set price by the owner though it must not exceed 200% of its initial value.
Cars and Bikes can be rented for a day for 10% of its price no other vehicles can be rented.

Admin System
Ranks should include Superadmin, Head Admin, Admin and Moderator. Superadmins can promote members to any rank and Head Admins can only promote to Moderator.
Admins should be able to Ban, Kick, Mute, Goto, God, Explode, Kill, Respawn, Heal, Jail, Unjail, Slap, Freeze, Unfreeze and Bring using OnPlayerClickPlayer.
Players should be able to Ignore/Hide people messages by using OnPlayerClickPlayer aswell. SuperAdmins can gift players houses and vehicles.
Many other commands should be included though they are just the basic ones.

Airline System
SuperAdmins will create Airlines on command and assign owners to them the command should look something like this /createairline (NAME) (OWNER ID).
All airlines will start off with 10 slots and extra slots will be sold at 5 for 10mil with a maximum of 100 slots.
Players will be able to view a list of airlines, airline members, amount of slots, vehicles and money. Airline ranks will be Founder, Owner, Manager, Staff, Trainee.
Trainee pilots will be promoted to Staff once they have completed 50 flights for the airline. Founders and Owners can set the payrate for each rank.
Airlines can purchase any planes for the normal amount and baggage handlers by founders and owners. Managers and upwards can accept or declide applications.
Airline colors can be changed by owners and founders, when the airline's color is changed this will apply for the entire fleet.
The Founder of the airline should have the option to merge with another airline if both airline accept the merge. In the event of a merge the new founders will have 2 weeks to sell planes which exceed their slot limit. Any extra slots at the end of the merge will be refunded to the airline founders.
Airline chat will be available by using the * button infront of any messages. No more than 20 airline can be created.
Airline owners can set a Message of the Day which is shown to members on connection.

i want these jobs
SA Air Force: Flys from point A to point B or air drops. /work Selects random route.
Bus Divers: Drives passengers from point A to point B. /work Selects random route.
Courier: Picks up parcels from warehouse and delivers them to houses within a certain radius. /work Brings up a menu to select either 5 or 10 parcels.
Trucker: Picks up load from loading point and delivers it. /work Brings up menu to select Load, Point A and Point B (Players can only select the same route once every 15 minutes.)
Police: Persue and fine people who break the law. Checkpoints on the map leading to the targets.
Boat Pilot: Takes people from port to port. /work Selects random route.
Road Worker: Repairs broken speed cameras. /work Selects random speed camera.
Repairman: Repairs and Refuels vehicles in need to a price. Vehicles in trouble appear as a checkpoint on your map.
Taxi Driver: Player uses /taxi which marks him on the drivers minimap once picked up the player puts a checkpoint on their map, the player then pays the fee according to the distance. The checkpoint then comes up on the drivers map and he drives there. (Not sure if all features is possible.)

Wrong Section! You can find Gamemode from Gamemode section but u can't request a gamemode!

Firstly... its the wrong section as humza said..
secondly... i dont think there isnt any GM like that available to download

at one gonna script for free...this gamemode will be kinda get ur cash ready

Good luck..

Try learn Pawn first

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