30.01.2015, 17:51
Hi guys,
I found this old Sleep script by GoKkuU
And thought i would try playing around with it....
the concept is a great idea, but the script was bad only in the way
it teleported you to an a motel for "sleep" then re spawned you.
What i want to do is make it so on sleep it plays the /crack animation and freezes you for 3 minutes.
this doesn't really work, so can someone please correct it for me.
all i have done is remove the lines that teleport the player and re spawn again
I found this old Sleep script by GoKkuU
And thought i would try playing around with it....
the concept is a great idea, but the script was bad only in the way
it teleported you to an a motel for "sleep" then re spawned you.
What i want to do is make it so on sleep it plays the /crack animation and freezes you for 3 minutes.
if(SleepLevel[playerid] != 0) { TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, SleepScreanTD); ApplyAnimation(playerid,"CRACK","crckdeth2",4.0, 1, 0, 0, 180000, 0); SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 2231.8608,-1161.0271,1031.3776); SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid,2228.0371,-1161.6714,1029.1803); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Sleeping....", 5000, 1); Sleeping[playerid] = 1; SetTimerEx("Sleep2", 12000, false, "i", playerid); } |
all i have done is remove the lines that teleport the player and re spawn again