Some Questions For My Side

Some Questions From My Side

Hello Scripters, Today I Thought of some Ideas For my Server but the difficulty is I don't know that how to create them, My Question is:-

1) How Can I Make an NPC That will shoot with Sniper if player will be in Range of x, y, z Point.

2) How Can I Make a Gate in which If there will be explosion in 5m of Range, Then the gate Will Destroy( I mean the Gate Will Move).

3) uhhhh... Forgot the 3rd Question xD

And One More Thing Giving +Rep To the Person Who will Answer Both Questions..

BUMP! Can Anyone Reply Please... >>>>****** , Cessil or Lordzy Or Whoever knows...

2) depends on what kind of explosion you want to destroy the gate with and the gate object. Some gate objects will break if an explosion happens near them in singleplayer.

@Patrik you didn't understood my question, I want Gate to be moved when theres a explosion near 5m of range

1) Use FCNPC , they are very useful , you can use a callback "FCNPC_AimAt" to allow NPC to Shoot . Click Here To Redirect.

2) Create gates by CreateObject and make a code (i don't know exact about explosion in 5m but it think it will be similar like CreateExplosion(x, y, z, 12, 10.0); ,or maybe exact ) Ok then use MoveObject .

Arxala, dude I Know how to move objects, But I'm Asking How Can I Make Them move When There will be an explosion

Originally Posted by TheRaGeLord
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Arxala, dude I Know how to move objects, But I'm Asking How Can I Make Them move When There will be an explosion
its Easy , just make a cmd that create Explosions in the place you want , and set a timer to move the gate after the explosions in the same cmd

Hmmmm.... Nice Idea.. Well Thanks..

As GGW gave you an idea so your 2nd problem is also solved now and i already gave you FCNPC link , you will be able to make NPC and able to set a function easily with FCNPC.

Yep, You are Right..

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