Pickups And Checkpoints..

Hello, Today I Wanna Know that Can We Have More Than 1 Pickup Or Checkpoint With the Same Variable?
Example This Code:-
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
    pickup = CreatePickup(1242, 2, 1503.3359, 1432.3585, 10.1191, -1);
    // Create an armour pickup and store the ID in 'pickup'
    return 1;
So here He have Make a Pickup 1242 With Pickup variable name.. So Can I Use The Variable name Twice?
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
    pickup = CreatePickup(1242, 2, 1503.3359, 1432.3585, 10.1191, -1);
    pickup= CreatePickup(1242, 2, -1213.21, 123.1313, 134.1412, -1);
    return 1;

Not, this can inversate pickups under OnPlayerPickUpPickup();.

But you can do:

pawn Код:
new pickup[100];
And then:

pawn Код:
pickup[0] = CreatePickup(1242, 2, 1503.3359, 1432.3585, 10.1191, -1);
pickup[1] = CreatePickup(1242, 2, -1213.21, 123.1313, 134.1412, -1);

Well.. Thanx

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