[Plugin] "ALERT"

Originally Posted by Calg00ne
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A very useless plugin.
Yes it's useless, but it's still a great plugin if you're bored of reading white letters in your console.

It's very basic however it may appeal to others. Personally I'll use the printc native if I want to do that.

Originally Posted by PCheriyan007
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It's very basic however it may appeal to others. Personally I'll use the printc native if I want to do that.
There is no printc.. he was suggesting I make it, which I will try to.

Btw 1337connor, is this the first plugin you ever made?

Originally Posted by 1337connor
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There is no printc.. he was suggesting I make it, which I will try to.
LoL I was thinking about a printc before you posted this

Originally Posted by admantis
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In plugin? why plugin? It's useless and stupid if you can do it in PAWN within 4 lines.

pawn Code:
stock alert(chars[])    // 1
{       // 2
    return SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000FF, chars); // 3
} // 4
O yeah, just an epic fail! LoL
Would be nice a plugin that sends coloured message to the console, not only coloured in red LoL

This plugin can change console color text.

Originally Posted by Schurman
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Do you guys even know how hard it is to make a plugin? Hard.
Who would use this? Obviously, it's funny if you can do things like it but it's more for yourself to learn from: This totally isn't worth publishing AT ALL. If someone would post a filterscript that would make all players have the same skin would you still also be so super-duper positive about it? I doubt so.

I wish Ryder never made this tutorial about plugins -.-

Originally Posted by MrDeath537
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Why do you use "printf" if there isn't any support for parameters?
There is.

I guess a purpose of it could be for people who code on their home comptuers, to test their code, and if there is something wrong with it, they can use alert, and easily see it.

Yes i think you mean you can make 'error debuggin levels' ex green for tiny mistakes and orange for some warnings and red for errors, obivously you didn't include an changhecolor function so.. print(f) is a better way to debug a script. less mindfucking and installing and intergrating.. I men why the heck would you openup your server config , add the include and plugin etc all this work to just ignore the printf function?

Sorry guy but you need to add some really usefull functions.

static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL alert(AMX *amx, cell *params)
		char* buffer;
		std::cout << red << "[ALERT] " << buffer << white << std::endl;
        return 1; // Change the return value if need
Important code is important. Out of interest, do you even know what "buffer" means?

Originally Posted by Calg00ne
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static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL alert(AMX *amx, cell *params)
		char* buffer;
		std::cout << red << "[ALERT] " << buffer << white << std::endl;
        return 1; // Change the return value if need
Important code is important. Out of interest, do you even know what "buffer" means?
The definition of buffer is as read
A temporary memory area or queue used when transferring data between devices or programs operating at different speeds

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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There is.
I was talking about Garfield's post, he posted this:

pawn Code:
#define Alert(%0) ((printf(%0)))

Originally Posted by 1337connor
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The definition of buffer is as read
A temporary memory area or queue used when transferring data between devices or programs operating at different speeds
Your usage of a buffer barely fits that description, and I think a personal definition rather than a generic copied one would've been preferred.

Despite your past, present and probable future failures, well, I admire your persistence.

Originally Posted by DRIFT_HUNTER
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Simple but nice one!
Thanks, Drift Hunter! I'll be adding more things soon!

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