12.01.2015, 12:05
Hello, I've been making quick strings, but none of them works, as i want them to work.
Like i made,
under OnplayerText
This one works only when i type "$loc" in the chat, not when i type "in in $loc" - "im in bayside"
How to make it like that? please halp
Like i made,
under OnplayerText
if(!strcmp(text, "$loc", true)) { new string[128]; new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName)); new zone[MAX_ZONE_NAME]; GetPlayer2DZone(playerid, zone, MAX_ZONE_NAME); format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFFFF}%s: {FFFFFF}%s",pName,zone); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_WHITE, string); return 0; }
How to make it like that? please halp