02.01.2015, 16:52
Hi all,
as the title says.
I added this from a thread I found on these forums..
and it compiles successfully but..on irc it says
the code and command.
I just want that the message should be send like Server has been up since hour(s),min(s),sec(s)
I don't know whats the problem plz help me.
as the title says.
I added this from a thread I found on these forums..
and it compiles successfully but..on irc it says
pawn Code:
The server has been up for 394505 hours, 32 minutes, and 46 seconds .
pawn Code:
new gVeryFirstTimestamp;
IRCCMD:uptime(botid, channel[], user[], host[], params[])
if (IRC_IsVoice(botid, channel, user))
new stringx[128];
new hour, min, sec = gettime() - gVeryFirstTimestamp;
format(stringx, sizeof(stringx), "The server has been up for %s %d %i.", ConvertTime(sec,min,hour));
//format(stringx, sizeof(stringx), "It's been up since %02i/%02i/%i at %02i:%02i", gWhenDidItStart[hoursx], gWhenDidItStart[minutesx]);
IRC_GroupSay(groupID, channel, stringx);
return 1;
stock ConvertTime(&cts, &ctm=-1,&cth=-1,&ctd=-1,&ctw=-1,&ctmo=-1,&cty=-1) //Thanks to Kyosaur
#define PLUR(%0,%1,%2) (%0),((%0) == 1)?((#%1)):((#%2))
#define CTM_cty 31536000
#define CTM_ctmo 2628000
#define CTM_ctw 604800
#define CTM_ctd 86400
#define CTM_cth 3600
#define CTM_ctm 60
#define CT(%0) %0 = cts / CTM_%0; cts %= CTM_%0
new strii[128];
if(cty != -1 && (cts/CTM_cty))
CT(cty); CT(ctmo); CT(ctw); CT(ctd); CT(cth); CT(ctm);
format(strii, sizeof(strii), "%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, %d %s, %d %s, %d %s, and %d %s",PLUR(cty,"year","years"),PLUR(ctmo,"month","months"),PLUR(ctw,"week","weeks"),PLUR(ctd,"day","days"),PLUR(cth,"hour","hours"),PLUR(ctm,"minute","minutes"),PLUR(cts,"second","seconds"));
return strii;
if(ctmo != -1 && (cts/CTM_ctmo))
cty = 0; CT(ctmo); CT(ctw); CT(ctd); CT(cth); CT(ctm);
format(strii, sizeof(strii), "%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, %d %s, %d %s, and %d %s",PLUR(ctmo,"month","months"),PLUR(ctw,"week","weeks"),PLUR(ctd,"day","days"),PLUR(cth,"hour","hours"),PLUR(ctm,"minute","minutes"),PLUR(cts,"second","seconds"));
return strii;
if(ctw != -1 && (cts/CTM_ctw))
cty = 0; ctmo = 0; CT(ctw); CT(ctd); CT(cth); CT(ctm);
format(strii, sizeof(strii), "%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, %d %s, and %d %s",PLUR(ctw,"week","weeks"),PLUR(ctd,"day","days"),PLUR(cth,"hour","hours"),PLUR(ctm,"minute","minutes"),PLUR(cts,"second","seconds"));
return strii;
if(ctd != -1 && (cts/CTM_ctd))
cty = 0; ctmo = 0; ctw = 0; CT(ctd); CT(cth); CT(ctm);
format(strii, sizeof(strii), "%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, and %d %s",PLUR(ctd,"day","days"),PLUR(cth,"hour","hours"),PLUR(ctm,"minute","minutes"),PLUR(cts,"second","seconds"));
return strii;
if(cth != -1 && (cts/CTM_cth))
cty = 0; ctmo = 0; ctw = 0; ctd = 0; CT(cth); CT(ctm);
format(strii, sizeof(strii), "%d %s, %d %s, and %d %s",PLUR(cth,"hour","hours"),PLUR(ctm,"minute","minutes"),PLUR(cts,"second","seconds"));
return strii;
if(ctm != -1 && (cts/CTM_ctm))
cty = 0; ctmo = 0; ctw = 0; ctd = 0; cth = 0; CT(ctm);
format(strii, sizeof(strii), "%d %s, and %d %s",PLUR(ctm,"minute","minutes"),PLUR(cts,"second","seconds"));
return strii;
cty = 0; ctmo = 0; ctw = 0; ctd = 0; cth = 0; ctm = 0;
format(strii, sizeof(strii), "%d %s", PLUR(cts,"second","seconds"));
return strii;
I don't know whats the problem plz help me.