29.12.2014, 09:44
hey i needed to write upto 15 different logs for my server so i want to know that
Which one is good for log writing dini or Y_ini?
Which one is good for log writing dini or Y_ini?
i just added 25 lines of Y_ini in gamemode for log writing and gm size 5 mb increased! its normal?
internal/y_version (also including a_http here, version checks) internal/y_natives internal/y_globaltags y_scriptinit y_utils y_debug internal/y_funcinc y_amx y_bit y_cell y_inline y_malloc y_hooks internal/y_unique y_hooks/impl internal/y_plugins y_als
stock Log(sz_fileName[], sz_input[]) {
new sz_logEntry[156], i_dateTime[2][3], File: fileHandle = fopen(sz_fileName, io_append);
gettime(i_dateTime[0][0], i_dateTime[0][1], i_dateTime[0][2]);
getdate(i_dateTime[1][0], i_dateTime[1][1], i_dateTime[1][2]);
format(sz_logEntry, sizeof(sz_logEntry), "[%i/%i/%i - %i:%i:%i] %s\r\n", i_dateTime[1][0], i_dateTime[1][1], i_dateTime[1][2], i_dateTime[0][0], i_dateTime[0][1], i_dateTime[0][2], sz_input);
fwrite(fileHandle, sz_logEntry);
return fclose(fileHandle);