Pay for Driving

Hello can some1 tell my or give some guide how to make that u get money for driving for example police car or others ,

Originally Posted by cyberlord
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Hello can some1 tell my or give some guide how to make that u get money for driving for example police car or others ,
I'll give you a guide on how to start the code.
You want to first Getvehiclemodel, and check if the player is in that vehicle, If so, Then you want to start a timer which will start timing how long player in the vehicle. and then once player exit vehicle, Giveplayercash.

I know its not much help, But tryna give you an Idea. I do hope this did help alittle.

Originally Posted by GuardedMerchant
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I'll give you a guide on how to start the code.
You want to first Getvehiclemodel, and check if the player is in that vehicle, If so, Then you want to start a timer which will start timing how long player in the vehicle. and then once player exit vehicle, Giveplayercash.

I know its not much help, But tryna give you an Idea. I do hope this did help alittle.
yes i allready have police cars and everything now just need to add few more commands for police and make that they get some money for driving , i was thinking the same way as u do except do not give money when player exit just make variable to store those money lei earning and after day as example transfer those money to player bank account , for real i never used timers till now , i have searching on several gamemodes how they are done but i could find this on playerstatedriver , so they do this in other way

please give my som example or something how to start and how it done

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