[Include] GiftBoxes System

How it works
This include is actually a kind of event with gift boxes who is activate by a function and disable by another. Isn't complicated because i added a description for every function in my code.
Well, about how it works, system is easy: someone start the event and on the map will be placed in different and random places those gift boxes. When a player pick up a gift box will receive a reward who is set by the owner/founder in gamemode.

pawn Код:
InitiateGifts(); //This function creates giftboxes and resets variables to default.
DestroyGifts(); //This function destroys every giftbox and resets variables to default.
CheckGift(playerid,pickupid); //You must insert this function in your OnPlayerPickUpPickup public from your gamemode.
public PlayerGiftReward(playerid,pickupid); //You must use this public in your gamemode in order to set a bonus for the player to receive when he picks up a giftbox.
Read this (important)
If you will use this include, you have to know few things:
InitiateGifts(); - This function creates giftboxes and will start the event.
DestroyGifts(); - This function destroys all the gift boxes and will stop the event.
CheckGift(playerid,pickupid); - You must insert this function in OnPlayerPickUpPickup public! If you didn't, the player can't take the gift box.
public PlayerGiftReward(playerid,pickupid); - This public will be called every time when a player pick up a gift box. So, you can add a reward.
Look in include: new Float:GiftPos[][] - This array have giftboxes positions. If you want to add more, all you have to do is to edit this array.

And, that's all.



Awesome work!

Definitely not cool. Should be dynamic. There is no function to create a gift box.

Nothing else to say.

Nice Work

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