Is it possible to change the colour of your guns? And can u make custom guns?

E.g, have. Yellow desert eagle, or A blue m4

Also, is it possible to make custom weapons ? E.g making a gun similar to the m4, but change it's fire rate, and it's damage?

From what I have witnessed on a seever, you can change the weapons color and add more fire power to it.

Possible, but you will miss somethings, the weapon icon at the hud, player's not holding the weapon ofc, Impossible Aimming with it (maybe) , so you can create a weapon object and a bullets firing object, and attach them to a vehicle, o/r object, You can use AttachObjectToObject to create your custom gun with some small size objects.

Up to my knowledge, yes it's possible.

Attach an object to the player resembling it's ID and then set it's material. For increasing damage rates - Yes, you can. I've also written an include long time ago which got the ability to change weapon damage rates.

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