Y_INI fexist problem

Sorry for my bad english

Then I created a vehicle that works well .. I was trying to create a command that deletes a vehicle and its file in scriptfiles. Now the command works almost fine, but I make an example. If I create a vehicle and try to use the command, it does not work because it can not find the file of the vehicle. If I create the vehicle and close the gamemode and restart ... the command works. Y_ini creates files only on exit of the gamemode? I think that's the problem ...

ignored the language code

CMD:cancellaveicolo(playerid, params[])
	new vehicleID;
	if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return MandaErrore(playerid, "Devi essere un admin di livello 6 per usare questo comando");
	if(sscanf(params, "i", vehicleID)) return MandaUsa(playerid, "/cancellaveicolo [vehicleid]");
		format(stringa, sizeof(stringa), "Veicolo cancellato con successo | ID: %d", vehicleID);
		MandaInfo(playerid, stringa);
	else MandaErrore(playerid, "ID Veicolo non valido");
	return 1;

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