22.12.2014, 15:57
It's not saving. It comes up saying: "[11:41:42] [ERROR] mysql_format - no value for specifier "%e" available" in the mysql_log.
Anybody sees the error?
Anybody sees the error?
pawn Код:
format(gVar3000, 3000, "%s", EOS);
strcat(gVar3000, "UPDATE `samp_users` SET `walkstyle` = %i, `chatstyle` = %i, `gender` = %i, `age` = %i, `skin` = %i, `adminlevel` = %i, `money` = %i, ");
strcat(gVar3000, "`renthouse` = %i, `ip` = '%e', `score` = %i, `faction` = %i, `rank` = %i, `arresttime` = %i, `spawnLoc` = %i, `radioobj` = %i, ");
strcat(gVar3000, "`badge` = %i, `drivelic` = %i, `bank` = %i, `pAJCPs` = %i, `weaponlic` = %i, `fish` = %i, `job` = %i, `modlevel` = %i, ");
strcat(gVar3000, "`paycheck` = %i, `jobtime` = %i, `PayTimer` = %i, `pForumName` = '%e', `pDisX` = %f, `pDisY` = %f, `pDisZ` = %f, `pDisA` = %f, `pDisInt` = %i, ");
strcat(gVar3000, "`pDisVW` = %i, `health` = %f, `armour` = %f, `pTrainticket` = %i, `pFine` = %i, `pSavings` = %i, `pTaxiLic` = %i, `pAirplaneLic` = %i, `duty` = %i, ");
strcat(gVar3000, "`namechanges` = %i, `weed` = %i, `cocaine` = %i, `ecstasy` = %i, `crack` = %i, `heroin` = %i, `weed-seeds` = %i, `opium-seeds` = %i, ");
strcat(gVar3000, "`fertilizer` = %i, `raw-opium` = %i, `cuffed` = %i, `donate-rank` = %i, `donate-year` = %i, `donate-month` = %i, `donate-day` = %i, ");
strcat(gVar3000, "`carbomb` = %i, `scrap-wait` = %i, `loaned` = %i, `loancash` = %i, `maskID` = %i, `prisoned` = %i, `prison-time` = %i,");
strcat(gVar3000, "`swat` = %i, `swat-cooldown` = %i, `weed-a` = %i, `coke-a` = %i, `ecstasy-a` = %i, `crack-a` = %i, `heroin-a` = %i, `freq` = %i, ");
strcat(gVar3000, "`activated` = %i, `pBanAppealer` = %i, `pPR` = %i, `pHR` = %i, `pAP` = %i, `pSecurity` = %i, `pShopTech` = %i, `pFactionModerator` = %i WHERE user = '%e'");
mysql_format(sqlHandle, gVar3000, sizeof(gVar3000), gVar3000, PlayerInfo[playerid][pWalkstyle], PlayerInfo[playerid][pChatstyle], PlayerInfo[playerid][pGender], PlayerInfo[playerid][pAge],
skin, PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminlevel], PlayerInfo[playerid][pMoney], PlayerInfo[playerid][pRentHouse],
PlayerInfo[playerid][pIP], PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore], faction, PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank], GetPVarInt(playerid, "Arrest"), spawnLoc,
PlayerInfo[playerid][pRadio], PlayerInfo[playerid][pBadge], PlayerInfo[playerid][pDriveLic],
PlayerInfo[playerid][pBank], PlayerInfo[playerid][pAJCPs], PlayerInfo[playerid][pWeaponLic], PlayerInfo[playerid][pFish],
PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob], PlayerInfo[playerid][pModLevel], PlayerInfo[playerid][pPaycheck], PlayerInfo[playerid][pJobTime],
PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayTimer], PlayerInfo[playerid][pForumName], X, Y, Z, A, interior, virtualWorld, health,
armour, PlayerInfo[playerid][pTrainticket], PlayerInfo[playerid][pFine], PlayerInfo[playerid][pSavings], PlayerInfo[playerid][pTaxiLic],
PlayerInfo[playerid][pAirplaneLic], duty, PlayerInfo[playerid][pNamechanges], PlayerInfo[playerid][pWeed], PlayerInfo[playerid][pCocaine],
PlayerInfo[playerid][pEcstasy], PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrack], PlayerInfo[playerid][pHeroin], PlayerInfo[playerid][pWeedSeeds],
PlayerInfo[playerid][pOpiumSeeds], PlayerInfo[playerid][pFertilizer], PlayerInfo[playerid][pRawOpium], PlayerInfo[playerid][pCuffed],
PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateRank], PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateYear], PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateMonth], PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateDay],
PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarBomb], PlayerInfo[playerid][pScrapWait], PlayerInfo[playerid][pLoaned], PlayerInfo[playerid][pLoanCash],
PlayerInfo[playerid][pMaskID], PlayerInfo[playerid][pPrisoned], PlayerInfo[playerid][pPrisonTime], PlayerInfo[playerid][pSWAT],
PlayerInfo[playerid][pSwatCooldown], PlayerInfo[playerid][pWeedAddiction], PlayerInfo[playerid][pCocaineAddiction],
PlayerInfo[playerid][pEcstasyAddiction], PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrackAddiction], PlayerInfo[playerid][pHeroinAddiction],
PlayerInfo[playerid][pFreq], PlayerInfo[playerid][pActivated], PlayerInfo[playerid][pBanAppealer], PlayerInfo[playerid][pPR],
PlayerInfo[playerid][pHR], PlayerInfo[playerid][pAP], PlayerInfo[playerid][pSecurity], PlayerInfo[playerid][pFactionModerator], PlayerInfo[playerid][pName]);
mysql_function_query(sqlHandle, gVar3000, false, "", "");