Whole Latin-America banned... Why?

Hey.. Im here to represent my country:Chile , in South America...
Some days ago i knew we (and when i mean we its , like the title says , WHOLE latin america) , got banned from SA-MP master server and homepage... Why ? Cause of netzeek , an argentinian guy who DDoS'ed SA-MP Servers.
Really , we've got a popular server , and people from every spanish-talking country enters.
Ask anywhere for Diversion en Espaсol...
And not only talking about servers , people LIKE sa-mp and its too unfair.
We really don't know why you marginated us from this , but it's really a shame because we think only Argentina should be banned , if banning were preventive actions...

With all respects ,
Greetings from Chile...

South America is banned to simply stop the BotNet that Netzeek is using from being able to DDoS SA-MP. I don't think there is anything else the developers can do to stop it. I think though that this will only be temporary until the situation is over.

He has to block the whole south america because the most of the 10.000 zombie pc's came from argetinia, brasil and other south america states...
And i really mean he HAS to. It's not a punishment against the country from which netzeek came.
It's a "must-be". Otherwise as Kye mentioned in the Netzeek and South America block topic he wouldn't be able to keep the masterlist + website online.

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