Small problem

Hello everyone, i have problem with mysql loading.

Maybe someone knows can be wrong with this:

Money will be loaded if i write like this:

				format(Query,sizeof(Query),"SELECT Money FROM `Players` WHERE Nickname = '%s' AND Password = md5('%s') LIMIT 1",Name,inputtext);
But its doesn't work if i write like this:

				format(Query,sizeof(Query),"SELECT * FROM `Players` WHERE Nickname = '%s' AND Password = md5('%s') LIMIT 1",vardas,inputtext);
It should work yes? I no need to load only money, so i put "SELEC * " to load everything, kills, deaths....
If someone knows whats the problem, please help me ;] I using old Mysql R5 plugin

In the second query, you use "vardas" instead of "Name".
Can you also show how you read the data, after the query?

Oh yes, i know that then i write in here i did this mistake. In both have to be "Name" But its still not working

Please, help me

Does anyone can help me? Comon....

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