[GTA:RAW] SA:MP Strategy Game

Rivals at War

Previously, I was designing an RP/DM server named 'Rivals at War'. That script will still eventually be developed, but now I thought of a completely new concept! This concept will divide the 'Rivals at War' series into 2 servers, one of which is the continued RP/DM, the other in which is the Strategy Game.

One day, I began to think about how many people have become addicted to Clash of Clans, I mean really, all I had to do is look across the classroom and I'd see at least 2 phones with a strategically built COC base... I combined this thought with SA:MP and Mauzen's Fallout implementation, why not try this out? It's a lot simpler in my head but it's currently only a list of note's I've taken... This server will be just like COC combined with some games I know of from ********, Castle Clash, SA:MP, and mostly my own idea's...
Since right now I think I'm the first to come up with this, I want to know how many of you would be interested in this type of gamemode. I would also like to see what you guys think this gamemode would need to be awesome and stuff. If you come up with anything cool post a hint below, I am taking any and all ideas.
After I see how many of you are interested, I may add some details. If you guys do like the idea I'll add more and more details like once a week until I get a nice, big list of fantastic ideas. Thanks for any help!

To be honest, this didn't get me, friend.

Eh seems like rolling a dice? Well who knows? Good luck.

Maybe, we'll see how it goes. Looks interesting btw keep it up! gl

One, have you guys seen Mauzen's Fallout implementation? It's pretty cool. Two, have any of you who are saying no player Clash of Clans, or Castle Clash, Boom Beach, Social Empires (********), Dragon City (********), etc? This is all of those combined and more. Now think about it again (If you played any of these that is)...

Originally Posted by Crayder
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One, have you guys seen Mauzen's Fallout implementation? It's pretty cool. Two, have any of you who are saying no player Clash of Clans, or Castle Clash, Boom Beach, Social Empires (********), Dragon City (********), etc? This is all of those combined and more. Now think about it again (If you played any of these that is)...
Yeah i saw mauzen project its dope! :P
I used to play this games. Is it simillar to this games?

Originally Posted by Alex Magaсa
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Yeah i saw mauzen project its dope! :P
I used to play this games. Is it simillar to this games?
Yes, it will be just like those games.

I think this gamemode would be very interesting and really a boredom killer at times.

P.S. I also play Clash of Clans! :P

Originally Posted by AlexSwezVotra
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I think this gamemode would be very interesting and really a boredom killer at times.

P.S. I also play Clash of Clans! :P
Exactly what I think... Imagine this scenario:

- Im bored as fuck!
- I guess I'll just get my phone out and play COC.
- Wait, I think I'll get on some roleplay server instead in SA:MP.
- Or, I could do both at the same time! :o :O :0 :D

If I read something like that before experimenting with the fallout adaption, I would have called you crazy. But reading it now, I like this unconventional idea

Ive never played clash of clans or any other of the games you mentioned, but taking a look at some screenshots it seems like units/NPCs play a certain important role in that game. You should keep in mind that the number of useable NPCs is very limited, especially when using a "normal scale" server. Super high-end servers can probably handle some 100s NPCs, but this still doesnt allow many players to be playing at the same time, and it probably isnt very enjoyable if you just have 4 or 5 opponents. So you might have to redesign it to make unit quantity less important. But it shouldnt end up as a traditional build-and-expand game without controllable units at all, as this stuff is better done as a browsergame.

RTS games for example are pretty much impossible in samp, as there arent enough NPCs available to allow every player to build up an army, and RTS with just a handful of units is quite pointless.

Well, Id say give it a try, it cant harm!

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