How to check is player was freezed?


I want to ask. It'is possible to check is player toggleplayercontrable? i don't want use variables, because with cheats you can off toggleplayercontrabble but if i could to check, then when i set toggleplayercontrable and then check player is not freezed then i could give kick.

I don't think you can check if the player is controllable or not without using variables.

nope you cant you need to use variables!

You can try doing a check with player's velocity and animation, frozen players are not meant to move but their velocity can increase if they're damaged by a vehicle with high velocity.

It would be better something with animation, but is animation is changing when player if freezed? with vehicle and velocity that will happin just in some times i need to check that in when player spawn then it'is impossible to hit player with vehicle

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