Internet Slow on one pc

This is so akward. My wifi works fine on my laptop, but is super slow on my main pc, or sometimes doesnt work at all. I have literally no crapware on my pc, aside from a sexy amount of pc games.

This has happened out of nowhere. I tried factory reseting my router, but that doesnt seem to do much. any ideas?

OS: Windows 8

and don't bitch about the fact that i run Windows 8, it's a personal preference that i enjoy.

I have the same problem and I'm 99% sure it's because the wifi card in my PC is old and crappy. But this is your brand new PC, right? So I guess that's not your issue :/

yeah only like one month old. and ive even tried using a usb wifi stick

Check if its the pc-router connection somehow. E.g. compare standard pings to the router on both computers, or large buffer pings (ping -l 65500) for a rough transfer speed estimation.

So your computer is connected with a cable or with wlan? If its wlan, definitely connect a cable and test that.

Did you try ipconfig commands?

Reinstall Windows 8.

Windows 8 is ugly as fuck, I'm so sorry.

Fixed this earlier. Windows 8 stays


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