Error command /hit



CMD:hit( playerid, params[ ], liPlayer )
	gsBigString[0] = EOS;
    if ( sscanf( params, "ui", params[ 0 ], params[ 1 ] ) )
		return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "USAGE: /hit [playerid] [coins]" );

	if ( params[ 1 ] < 1 )
		return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "Minimum amount to hit a person with is 1 coins!" );

	if ( !IsPlayerConnected( params[ 0 ] ) )
		return SendError( playerid, "Player is not connected!" );

	if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Coins ] < params[ 1 ] )
		return SendError( playerid, "Not enought coins!" );

	if ( antispam[ playerid ] == 1 )
		return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Please wait {FF0000}10 {FFFF00}secounds before placing another hit!" );

    hit[ params[ 0 ] ] = params[ 1 ];
    hiter[ params[ 0 ] ] = playerid;
    switch( Lang[ playerid ] )
   	    case 0: FormatMSGALL( playerid, COLOE_LIME2, "%s {FFFFFF}has placed a hit on {80FF00}%s(ID: %i) {FFFFFF}for {FF0000}%i coins", PlayerName( liPlayer ), PlayerName( params[ 0 ] ), params[ 0 ], params[ 1 ] );
        case 1: FormatMSGALL( playerid, COLOE_LIME2, "%s {FFFFFF}a pus o recompensa in valoare de {FF0000}%i coins {FFFFFF}pe {80FF00}%s(ID: %i)", PlayerName( liPlayer ), params[ 1 ], PlayerName( params[ 0 ] ), params[ 0 ] );

    antispam[ playerid ] = 1;
    SetTimerEx( "antispamtimer", 10*1000, false, "d", playerid );
    return ( 1 );
PLZ help me!!!

EDIT: nvm found the lines.

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