15.11.2014, 06:39
I've been thinking stuff about my speedometer timers, and realized that I could just make a 1 global timer, instead of doing it "Per-Player", but.. What's better?
Global Timer: VehicleTimer = SetTimer("VehicleT", 1000, true);
Per-Player Timer: VehicleTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx("VehicleT", 1000, true);
The current good side i see for the Global timer is: Less overall timers
But the bad side is, possible lag?
Here's my speedometer timer callback;
Should I change something If i want to make it a global timer? (Except the obvious(The playerid, add loop ..))
Global Timer: VehicleTimer = SetTimer("VehicleT", 1000, true);
Per-Player Timer: VehicleTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx("VehicleT", 1000, true);
The current good side i see for the Global timer is: Less overall timers
But the bad side is, possible lag?
Here's my speedometer timer callback;
pawn Код:
new vID = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), string[142], string2[3], Float:rotation, Float:vhealth;
GetVehicleZAngle(vID, rotation), GetVehicleHealth(vID, vhealth);
new direction = floatround(rotation,floatround_round);
while(direction > 360) direction -= 360;
while(direction < 0) direction += 360;
case 0..22: string2 = "N";
case 23..67: string2 = "NW";
case 68..112: string2 = "W";
case 113..157: string2 = "SW";
case 158..202: string2 = "S";
case 203..247: string2 = "SE";
case 248..292: string2 = "E";
case 293..337: string2 = "NE";
case 338..360: string2 = "N";
format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~VEHICLE: ~y~%s~n~~w~SPEED: ~y~%d KM/H~n~~w~LOCATION: ~y~%s~n~~w~DIRECTION: ~y~%s~n~~w~HEALTH: ~y~%0.0f%%",VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(vID)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(playerid), GetPlayerArea(playerid), string2, vhealth);
TextDrawSetString(VehicleInfo[playerid], string);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, VehicleInfo[playerid]);
string = "\0";
else KillTimer(VehicleTimer[playerid]), TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, VehicleInfo[playerid]), TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, VehicleBox[playerid]);
return 1;