Samp Crash, my host won't help me.

Everytime my server reaches around 30+ players, server starts to restart it self.

Anyone know why?

I contacted the down, waiting now 4 days for an reply on the ticket.

All require plugins loaded + some filterscripts even when i use no filterscript it still happends.



[18:27:27] Incoming connection:
[18:27:27] [join] Rostislav_Sniha has joined the server (2:---)
[18:27:27] Rostislav_Sniha has joined the server. [ Country: | IP Address: ---- | Ping: 65535 ]
[18:27:28] --- Server Shutting Down.
[18:27:28] PM System Unloaded
[18:27:28] By TheFlyer
[18:27:28] --------------------------------------

[18:27:28] [part] Rookie has left the server (0:0)
[18:27:28] [part] eDuz1t0w_01 has left the server (1:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Rostislav_Sniha has left the server (2:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Bazyotic has left the server (3:0)
[18:27:28] [part] John_Deep has left the server (4:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Rodrimtd has left the server (5:0)
[18:27:28] [part] [ZW]Zombie_War has left the server (6:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Salam_Pro has left the server (7:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Baty_Of has left the server (8:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Jack_Cronn has left the server (9:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Pudge_Hok has left the server (10:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Boredone has left the server (11:0)
[18:27:28] [part] y_8 has left the server (12:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Marcello_[MAFIA] has left the server (13:0)
[18:27:28] [part] _diGuIDiM_bR has left the server (14:0)
[18:27:28] [part] AminST4 has left the server (15:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Kenny_West has left the server (16:0)
[18:27:28] [part] BabaZina has left the server (18:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Tank_Tank has left the server (19:0)
[18:27:28] [part] BlueOcean28 has left the server (21:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Steven_Ivanov has left the server (22:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Anonim. has left the server (23:0)
[18:27:28] [part] [Nexus]Haloo_Reach has left the server (25:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Matas_Norvilafd has left the server (26:0)
[18:27:28] [part] Yaroslav_Gangg has left the server (27:0)

Why do you think that this small piece of log will help us? This is useless

If the shutdown message appears then that means RCON exit is called somehow, somewhere. If it crashes the shutdown message does not appear.

Originally Posted by Vince
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If the shutdown message appears then that means RCON exit is called somehow, somewhere. If it crashes the shutdown message does not appear.
This is key.

[18:27:28] --- Server Shutting Down.

The server has been shut off using a command such as /rcon exit(or just "exit" within the RCON counsle). Check all running scripts for a line like this:
pawn Код:
If you can't find anything, then I'd recommend changing your RCON password. Maybe someone is accessing your RCON, and is purposely shutting off your server, although it doesn't seem likely.

Well.. there is only 1 cmd that is /rcon gmx and that requires level 10 admin, no is level 10 only me also my rcon password lenght is like 20 symbols. lol.

And that's the actual log.

Originally Posted by Flaw
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Well.. there is only 1 cmd that is /rcon gmx and that requires level 10 admin, no is level 10 only me also my rcon password lenght is like 20 symbols. lol.

And that's the actual log.
You don't need to have admin level in order to log into rcon, if you have rcon password, you are able to restart it. Try changing your rcon password anyways.

I did.

Well ask your host if they can't help, it's time to move on.

I'm waiting for like 5 days on hostskool for an reply.

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