Anti Vehicle Teleport Hack Help + Rep

I make system which block vehicle teleport,from cheat.
But i have problem,when I was near the vehicle script say to me probably use vehicle spawn
How to make script don't responds when is player near the vehicle
only is vehicle distance of point over some meters..

I use this public:

public OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate(vehicleid, playerid, passenger_seat)
if (!passenger_seat && GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT
		&& GetVehicleDistanceFromPoint(vehicleid, VehiclePos[vehicleid][0], VehiclePos[vehicleid][1], VehiclePos[vehicleid][2]) > 50.0)
		new Float: x, Float: y, Float: z;

 		GetXYZInFrontOfPlayer(playerid, x, y, z, 5.0);
 		 if (GetVehicleDistanceFromPoint (vehicleid, x, y, z) < 7.0) //This is the problem
 		 OnPlayerVehiclePort(playerid); // This is the public which checking and kick player if spawn vehicle
 		 return 0;
GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, VehiclePos[vehicleid][0], VehiclePos[vehicleid][1], VehiclePos[vehicleid][2]);
return 1;
Sory for my bad english :P

it's ok i'll give you the point You can get a player's position, the vehicle he is in, then get his velocity, calculate the overall velocity, then within 5 seconds, get both of the player and vehicle's position, calculate the distance between them, divide it by the velocity and if the result is way over 5 seconds, ban him.(maybe you'll need a ban bot to ban him cuz hacker also use anti ban from ip changer /flood join use the anti flood join bot) or visit this thread

hope this help

+rep please

sorry for bad english ;p

I will try to fix this + rep

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