Making a command to lock/unlock the owners car in a radius.

Hey all,

I'm trying to make a command that will allow the user to lock/unlock their vehicle within a small radius of the car they own but i'm having trouble getting the radius to work, the player can lock/unlock their vehicle when they are sat inside it, but not outside, here's the code I have right now:

command(lock, playerid, params[])
	new Float:cX, Float:cY, Float:cZ;
	new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
	GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, cX, cY, cZ);
	new string[128];
	new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective;
	if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, cX, cY, cZ))
        if(doors == 1)
            doors = 1;
            format(string, sizeof(string), "{9d21ad}* %s unlocks the vehicle.", GetName(playerid));
            NearByMessage(playerid, NICESKY, string);
            return 1;
            doors = 0;
	        format(string, sizeof(string), "{9d21ad}* %s locks the vehicle.", GetName(playerid));
	        NearByMessage(playerid, NICESKY, string);
	        return 1;
	else if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, cX, cY, cZ))
		    SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "You are not near a vehicle!");
		    return 1;
	return doors;
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

You need to finish your command with returning 1 if I'm right.
return doors -> return 1;
Also, function GetPlayerVehicleID only work if player is in any vehicle. That's why your command is working only when the player is in the car. You need to create a vehicle when the player joins the server and then save vehicleid to your variable. For example:
pawn Код:
enum pInfo
new PlayerData[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo];
// under on player connect
     pVehicle = CreateVehicle(...);

// and in your command
GetVehiclePos(PlayeData[playerid][pVeh], x, y, z);
If(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, x, y, z))

Originally Posted by dominik523
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You need to finish your command with returning 1 if I'm right.
return doors -> return 1;
This doesn't make much difference, I still have the same problem as I was having before.

Originally Posted by dominik523
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Also, function GetPlayerVehicleID only work if player is in any vehicle. That's why your command is working only when the player is in the car. You need to create a vehicle when the player joins the server and then save vehicleid to your variable. For example:
pawn Код:
enum pInfo
new PlayerData[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo];
// under on player connect
     pVehicle = CreateVehicle(...);

// and in your command
GetVehiclePos(PlayeData[playerid][pVeh], x, y, z);
If(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, x, y, z))
This worked, thanks for the help!

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