25.10.2014, 09:03
I wanted to ask how to calculate a timestamp within seconds.
The end should look like that (You're still day: hour: minute: second locked!)
I can already calculate days, hours and minutes)
But second? No plan
I ask for help
PS: Sorry for my bad English
I wanted to ask how to calculate a timestamp within seconds.
The end should look like that (You're still day: hour: minute: second locked!)
I can already calculate days, hours and minutes)
new days,hours,mins,seconds,wartezeit = wert,restzeit= wartezeit -gettime(); days = floatround(restzeit / 86400,floatround_floor), hours = restzeit - (days * 86400), hours = floatround(hours / 3600,floatround_floor), mins = restzeit - ( (days * 86400) + (hours * 3600) ), mins = floatround(mins / 60,floatround_floor);
I ask for help
PS: Sorry for my bad English