New mysql house error

Im making a loading system for my houses and when the server loads the houses it only loads the first one in the mysql and then stops.. here is the code

stock LoadHouse()
		new string[256];
	    for(new idx = 1; idx < MAX_HOUSE; idx++)
		    new query[500];
    		mysql_format(MySQLCon, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `houses` WHERE `ID`='%i' LIMIT 1", idx);
    		mysql_query(MySQLCon, query);
		    HouseInfo[idx][hStatus] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Status");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hType] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Type");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hOwner]= cache_get_field_content(0, "Owner");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hX] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "X");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hY] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "Y");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hZ] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "Z");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hMoney] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Money");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hLevel] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Level");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hPrice] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Price");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hXp] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "XP");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hTrashX] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "TrashX");
            HouseInfo[idx][hTrashY] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "TrashY");
            HouseInfo[idx][hTrashZ] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "TrashZ");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hRemovalYear] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "RemovalYear");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hRemovalDay] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "RemovalDay");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hLockStatus] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "LockStatus");
	  		if(HouseInfo[idx][hStatus] == 1)
		    	format(string, sizeof(string), "FOR SALE\n$%d", HouseInfo[idx][hPrice]);
				HouseInfo[idx][hPickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 1, HouseInfo[idx][hX], HouseInfo[idx][hY], HouseInfo[idx][hZ], 0);
				HouseInfo[idx][hText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string, COLOR_WHITE, HouseInfo[idx][hX], HouseInfo[idx][hY], HouseInfo[idx][hZ]+0.3, 15);
			if(HouseInfo[idx][hStatus] == 2)
				format(string, sizeof(string), "House of %s", HouseInfo[idx][hOwner]);
				HouseInfo[idx][hPickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(1272, 1, HouseInfo[idx][hX], HouseInfo[idx][hY], HouseInfo[idx][hZ], 0);
				HouseInfo[idx][hText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string, COLOR_WHITE, HouseInfo[idx][hX], HouseInfo[idx][hY], HouseInfo[idx][hZ]+0.3, 15);
			print("House Loaded");
	print("Houses loaded successfully.");
	return 1;
It like stops loading or something after the first house. it doesn't even show the "Houses loaded successfully." message in the bat

Originally Posted by jeffery30162
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Im making a loading system for my houses and when the server loads the houses it only loads the first one in the mysql and then stops.. here is the code

stock LoadHouse()
		new string[256];
	    for(new idx = 1; idx < MAX_HOUSE; idx++)
		    new query[500];
    		mysql_format(MySQLCon, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `houses` WHERE `ID`='%i' LIMIT 1", idx);
    		mysql_query(MySQLCon, query);
		    HouseInfo[idx][hStatus] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Status");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hType] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Type");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hOwner]= cache_get_field_content(0, "Owner");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hX] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "X");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hY] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "Y");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hZ] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "Z");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hMoney] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Money");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hLevel] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Level");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hPrice] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Price");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hXp] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "XP");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hTrashX] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "TrashX");
            HouseInfo[idx][hTrashY] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "TrashY");
            HouseInfo[idx][hTrashZ] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "TrashZ");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hRemovalYear] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "RemovalYear");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hRemovalDay] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "RemovalDay");
		    HouseInfo[idx][hLockStatus] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "LockStatus");
	  		if(HouseInfo[idx][hStatus] == 1)
		    	format(string, sizeof(string), "FOR SALE\n$%d", HouseInfo[idx][hPrice]);
				HouseInfo[idx][hPickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 1, HouseInfo[idx][hX], HouseInfo[idx][hY], HouseInfo[idx][hZ], 0);
				HouseInfo[idx][hText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string, COLOR_WHITE, HouseInfo[idx][hX], HouseInfo[idx][hY], HouseInfo[idx][hZ]+0.3, 15);
			if(HouseInfo[idx][hStatus] == 2)
				format(string, sizeof(string), "House of %s", HouseInfo[idx][hOwner]);
				HouseInfo[idx][hPickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(1272, 1, HouseInfo[idx][hX], HouseInfo[idx][hY], HouseInfo[idx][hZ], 0);
				HouseInfo[idx][hText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string, COLOR_WHITE, HouseInfo[idx][hX], HouseInfo[idx][hY], HouseInfo[idx][hZ]+0.3, 15);
			print("House Loaded");
	print("Houses loaded successfully.");
	return 1;
It like stops loading or something after the first house. it doesn't even show the "Houses loaded successfully." message in the bat
for(new idx = 1; idx < MAX_HOUSE; idx++) isn't really the best to use in this type of SQL loading, also, is MAX_HOUSE a define in your gamemode?

IE: #define MAX_HOUSE 2500? Something like that?

Try using something like enum hInfo { //blah }, then start using Iterators, they're always better, and neater. We use Iterators, in my script, and load perfectly

yes max house is defined. also this syastem used to work perfectly with ini but i am switch to mysql

this load scriptlet also doesn't work when i use while indstead of for

Originally Posted by jeffery30162
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this load scriptlet also doesn't work when i use while indstead of for
You should change MYSQL to R39-2. I'd be able to work with that better and provide you a better sample. However, I am not fluent with R33, I learned from gamemode as R39-2.

i want to stick with mysql. sorry

Can someone help me

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