Whirlpool ?

Im making something using whirlpool hasher ie this
pawn Code:
WP_Hash(HashPass, sizeof(HashPass), inputtext);
So Now to check if its the correct pass I use this
pawn Code:
if(strcmp(HashPass, PlayerInfo[playerid][pPass]) == 0)
So I wanted to know a way through which using the HashPass I could get a player's pass ? Like if I type a cmd it converts the hash Pass to Normal Player's Pass How to do it ?

Originally Posted by rockhopper
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Im making something using whirlpool hasher ie this
pawn Code:
WP_Hash(HashPass, sizeof(HashPass), inputtext);
So Now to check if its the correct pass I use this
pawn Code:
if(strcmp(HashPass, PlayerInfo[playerid][pPass]) == 0)
So I wanted to know a way through which using the HashPass I could get a player's pass ? Like if I type a cmd it converts the hash Pass to Normal Player's Pass How to do it ?
I don't think you can convert it, Though you can just disable it.

Originally Posted by rockhopper
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Like if I type a cmd it converts the hash Pass to Normal Player's Pass How to do it ?
Lol. Are you trying to hack your players or something?

pawn Code:
new hashpass[129];
            WP_Hash(hashpass, sizeof(hashpass), inputtext);
            if(strcmp(hashpass, PlayerInfo[playerid][pPass], true) == 0)

Originally Posted by Mionee
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Lol. Are you trying to hack your players or something?
Not Hack Like I want a feature which can decode Hash to normal But if its not possible how do I make it Normal pass ? Like without hash ?

Originally Posted by rockhopper
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Not Hack Like I want a feature which can decode Hash to normal But if its not possible how do I make it Normal pass ? Like without hash ?
Why would you even want a feature like that? You hash with the purpose of encrypting the passwords, not with the purpose of decrypting.

I want it but I need it to decrypt BTW How to access Whirlpool.inc ? Coz There isn't such file Where is the whirlpool include? Where I can see WP_Hash

People write these topics all the time and it's pretty obvious why they, and you, do it. I don't think anyone should register an account on your server...

Guyz As that is not possible is this possible ? That After typing a cmd the pass variable of that player will change to random numbers without WP Hash And the player can use that code to login for exampl I type cmd my pass changes from test to 546[rand no.] And I can login with 546 n change my pass how to do this ?

Anyone ?

Nobody will help you with decrypting WP (which I believe isn't even possible).

Not Decryting ! How to do this create another string and on typing cmd it gets value of random numbers which can also been used as password ?

Im sorry but if your server is not hasing passwords or if you are unhasing a password, its not going to go far.

Originally Posted by rockhopper
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Not Hack Like I want a feature which can decode Hash to normal But if its not possible how do I make it Normal pass ? Like without hash ?
You can't. Hashes are one-way functions. It looks like what you're trying to do is just check if the player entered their password correctly, right? If so, pull their stored password from the database (you should already be hashing this). Compare it against a hash of their inputtext using strcmp. If they match, they typed the password right.

What possibly purpose would you want their unhashed password for?


you want to add a SALT to the current passwords?

Anyway you asked hot to convert Hashpass to Password, this is called decoding, while it is technically decoding.. you can't do it with whirlpool, so it's cracking.

Forget the Whirlpool Pass Now you think I have 2 passwords Variables 1 is normal WP_HASH One and second for example I type a cmd Then My second pass variable will turn to Any random 3 digit number So I have two pass var one mypass second 123 So I can login with 123 for 1 time then change my pass you get it > ? So I wanna know how do I Do this

I type a cmd Then My second pass variable will turn to Any random 3 digit number


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