Any other easy ways ?

Hello guys i am working on my project PVT and when i was trying to add gangzones , players random spawns , i find Xtreme samp ultimate mapper + but the problem is that i can't zoom ti set the player spawns etc ....
So i am asking u guys if is there any better way to make gang zones and player spawns pos and also the area when player want to choose team OnPlayerRequestClass , ( i don't request scripting , only if is there a better way or a program to get the pos

This can be a big help. It was a big help for me.
But this is more for creating interiors and such!

The best way to do it. Is go in game. Do /rs at posistions, then browse documents > GTA San Andreas User Files > SAMP > rawsaved.txt(or similar)

Then script them in yourself using copy and paste!

Thank u i will try it asap
Any other way ?

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