I'm Looking for a Specefied Object ID - Please Help..

I'm looking for the object id of the Police Spikes which can platten the Tires if a car is driven over them...
can some1 help out!?

Originally Posted by Jack Sparrow
I'm looking for the object id of the Police Spikes which can platten the Tires if a car is driven over them...
can some1 help out!?
I really don't think there is a object id for this

There is the police spikes, don't know the model ID though.
And your tires wont flatten when you drive over them.

That's VC

I'm pretty sure that SAMP has that object, cuz' i've seen it on a server....
so if you can help, please post a reply..

isn't that that thing ,used in driving school ? (SP) ?

Spikes are in Sa. I've used them before. When driven over nothing happens though, no popping tyres I'm afraid.

I'm pretty sure there are spikes that can Flatten a cars tire...
here the spikes i've meant:

And I Know its possible to drive over them and get a flat tire! i saw it on some server

I never see this object, I don't think this object is exists

I have heard of some filterscript once which should "pop" your tire, but its not indeedly poping your tire, i have never really read over that script but i am sure that there is no way to pop the tire, neither i have heard of an object in sa-mp which does so.

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