Gamemode Unloads/Crashes?

I've got a problem with my GM. It seems to happen when there's 20+ players on but has happened with only 2 players online. What happens is that the gamemode just unloads itself. All the commands stop working and all the players colours turn to default. The server keeps on going but basically nothing works anymore.. Any ideas? I've heard it might have something to do with sscanf..

Give me your server_log.txt, and server.cfg here, and i'll have a look at it.

The thing is that I don't know how to trigger it. It happens really rarely with less people on.. Else I would of check it with crashdetect already. Just asking someone if they have any past experience with the same thing.

It's either a bug within your gamemode, that occurs, or it's your server, that basically times out your gamemode, which disables/unloads it, Contact your host provider, and see if they can solve it.

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