Question Regarding Pay n Sprays

Hi, searched alot about this couldn't find a good answer.

Is there any efficient way of changing pay n spray price?. OnVehicleRespray calls in mod shops so i didn't bother using that.

Help well be very much appreciated

I think it is not possible but....

An idea:

Get the player cash before they enter the Pay N Spray and store it in a variable.
Then, when the player exits the Pay N Spray give them their money back but add (+) or rest (-) to the desired ammount.

Hope it helps.

how would to figure out if player is inside a pns?

Use OnEnterExitModShop callback

But aren't they used for Mod shops?, like Trasnfender and such?

Maybe, Haven't used that callback

Another way would be using IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint, just get the coords of the Pay n Spray and play around with that function.

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