Looking for a program to capture the connections

Hello I need a program which can capture all of the incoming connections with UDP Methos and its payload too
I am using windows I realy need it because my samp server is under ddos so please help me.

Have you tried ******?, If you ****** for it, You'll most likely get a better result, than posting it here.

I did , but I didn't find any , I am asking here because here people got much more experience

Wireshark probably is the most famous one when packet capturing and evaluation is needed.

It uses WinPcap, that supports pretty much all network adapters. Im just not sure how it works in a virtual machine.

Install it, start it, press "Interface List" and select your internet network interface and press "start".
Add "udp && (ip.dst == your_ip_address)" to the filter textfield to show only udp packets received by the server.

Alright , thanks that's really useful and nice , I will give you a rep I know you don't need it but tis for the respect hehe

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