Pawno Languges help !

Hi guys , i'm jonynguyen from vietnam
- Sorry for my bad english
- Can you guide me
- Can you guide me how to change the font style is Vietnam?
- When I change the font it is "?? ?? ??" why so?

I write

SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, " Tфi lа người việt nam");

It will be

SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, " ?? ?? ??");

how?, please help me

This is a server in Vietnam has been success

pawn Код:
#pragma codepage (your langage)
This is the unique solution, put the name of your langage (it won't maybe work because you have to put a correct value like Arabic)

E nay ban sao minh mo sever ma dc roi nhung ko conected dc co phai do mysql Ko

Originally Posted by Zeddclarity
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E nay ban sao minh mo sever ma dc roi nhung ko conected dc co phai do mysql Ko
Cбi nаy bạn phải hỏi team support của forum rồi -_-

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