~~ ZCMD /pay COMMAND??

I am making a game mode and I am using strcmp and zcmd for my commands. I understand strcmp is not a command processor but it's for the simple commands like /rules. Anyway... How can I make an /ask, /pay and /buy command (/buy cmd for when in 24/7 shop). Please help, I am new and I am almost done with my script. If you can tell me how to make all three commands (/ask, /pay, /buy) then that would be awesome. Thank you!

****** ftw...


pawn Код:
     new string[128],playername[24];
     if(sscanf(params,"s[128]",params)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF,"USAGE: /ask [question]");
     format(string,sizeof(string),"%s has requested help, question: %s",playername,params);
     for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
               if(IsPlayerAdmin(i)) // Or use your admin variable, e.g. if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin])
      return 1;
Reply cmd

pawn Код:
     new string[128],playername[24],playerb;
     if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; //hides the command if they're not an admin
     if(sscanf(params,"us[128]",playerb,params)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF,"USAGE: /reply [id] [response]");
     if(!IsPlayerConnected(playerb)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"Invalid player ID!");
     format(string,sizeof(string),"%s has responded, response: %s",playername,params);
     format(string,sizeof(string),"You have replied to %s successfully",playername);
     return 1;
About /buy explain more...

We are not here to code for you, but to correct your faults.

I make a simple script of pay for you,

Q:If you are in admin duty, can you pay some cash to play?
Q:What is level needed to pay some cash?

This /pay command is for roleplay, If you want command /pay for DM, just reply

CMD:pay(playerid, params[])
	if(AdminDuty[playerid] == 1)
  		SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE, "You can't use this command while on-duty as admin.");
		return 1;

		iTargetID, iCashAmount;

	if(sscanf(params, "ui", iTargetID, iCashAmount)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "USAGE: /pay [playerid/partofname] [amount]");

	if(iTargetID == playerid)
		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "You can't use this command on yourself!");
		return 1;
	if(iCashAmount > 100 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] < 2)
		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "You must be level 2 to pay over $100");
		return 1;
	if(iCashAmount < 1 || iCashAmount > 10000)
		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "Don't go below $1, or above $10,000 at once.");
		return 1;
		if(ProxDetectorS(5.0, playerid, iTargetID))
				szMessage[128], giveplayer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], sendername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], playermoney = GetPlayerCash(playerid);

			giveplayer = GetPlayerNameEx(iTargetID);
			sendername = GetPlayerNameEx(playerid);
			if(iCashAmount > 0 && playermoney >= iCashAmount)
				GivePlayerCash(playerid, (0 - iCashAmount));
				GivePlayerCash(iTargetID, iCashAmount);
				format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "   You have sent %s(player: %d), $%d.", GetPlayerNameEx(iTargetID),iTargetID, iCashAmount);
				PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, szMessage);
				format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "   You have recieved $%d from %s(player: %d).", iCashAmount, GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), playerid);
				SendClientMessage(iTargetID, COLOR_GRAD1, szMessage);

				new ip[32], ipex[32];
				GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip, sizeof(ip));
				GetPlayerIp(iTargetID, ipex, sizeof(ipex));
				format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "%s (IP:%s) has paid $%d to %s (IP:%s)", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), ip, iCashAmount, GetPlayerNameEx(iTargetID), ipex);
				Log("logs/pay.log", szMessage);

				PayWarn[playerid][iTargetID] += iCashAmount;
				if(PayWarn[playerid][iTargetID] >= 10000 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] <= 3)
					format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "%s (IP:%s) has paid %s (IP:%s) $%d in this session.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), ip, GetPlayerNameEx(iTargetID), ipex, PayWarn[playerid][iTargetID]);
					ABroadCast(COLOR_YELLOW, szMessage, 1);

				if(iCashAmount >= 100000)

				PlayerPlaySound(iTargetID, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
				format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "* %s takes out some cash, and hands it to %s.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid) ,GetPlayerNameEx(iTargetID));
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "   Invalid transaction amount.");
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "That player isn't near you.");
	else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "Invalid player specified.");
	return 1;

/buy command is for when you go into a 24/7 shop and type /buy, then a menu comes up and you can buy stuff like; rope, burger, cellphone, bat... I got the ask and reply command done and it works,thanks so much! One thing though please help with /pay command. The below errors come up when I compile with /pay command in my script:
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(182) : error 017: undefined symbol "dcmd"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(185) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(185) : error 017: undefined symbol "dcmd_pay"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(18 : error 017: undefined symbol "params"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(18 : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_RED"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(189) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_GREEN"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(190) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_GREEN"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(194) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(196) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(199) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(224) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(232) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(232) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(232) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(232) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerEnterVehicle" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(237) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(237) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(237) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerExitVehicle" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(242) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(242) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(242) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerStateChange" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(247) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(247) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(247) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(252) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(252) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(252) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerLeaveCheckpoint" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(257) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(257) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(257) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(262) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(262) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(262) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(267) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(267) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(267) : error 004: function "S@@_OnRconCommand" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(272) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(272) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(272) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerRequestSpawn" is not implemented

I attached a picture with the pawno code.
* Also don't worry about the color errors I know hot to fix them!
I scripted this command from this tutoriual: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=239547
Thank you for helping Rudy and LarryTiger, Please just help me with this last thing. I've been working on this for so long and just want to finish now!

This is dcmd, do you have dcmd included?

Originally Posted by CommanderDEATH
Посмотреть сообщение
/buy command is for when you go into a 24/7 shop and type /buy, then a menu comes up and you can buy stuff like; rope, burger, cellphone, bat... I got the ask and reply command done and it works,thanks so much! One thing though please help with /pay command. The below errors come up when I compile with /pay command in my script:
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(182) : error 017: undefined symbol "dcmd"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(185) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(185) : error 017: undefined symbol "dcmd_pay"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(18 : error 017: undefined symbol "params"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(18 : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_RED"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(189) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_GREEN"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(190) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_GREEN"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(194) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(196) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE"
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(199) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(224) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(232) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(232) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(232) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(232) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerEnterVehicle" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(237) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(237) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(237) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerExitVehicle" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(242) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(242) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(242) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerStateChange" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(247) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(247) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(247) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(252) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(252) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(252) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerLeaveCheckpoint" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(257) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(257) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(257) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(262) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(262) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(262) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(267) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(267) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(267) : error 004: function "S@@_OnRconCommand" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(272) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(272) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Desktop\mss\gamemodes\ssfr.pwn(272) : error 004: function "S@@_OnPlayerRequestSpawn" is not implemented

I attached a picture with the pawno code.
* Also don't worry about the color errors I know hot to fix them!
I scripted this command from this tutoriual: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=239547
Thank you for helping Rudy and LarryTiger, Please just help me with this last thing. I've been working on this for so long and just want to finish now!
Oh dude. You don't have to paste dcmd_pay code under Onplayertext put it elsewhere

Do this: in post also have:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    dcmd(pay, 3, cmdtext); // this is the format that you will need to use. number 3 is for the characters of the word pay, "p" "a" "y"
    return 1;

dcmd_pay(playerid, params[])
    new targetid, value;
    if(sscanf(params, "ui", targetid, value)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "ERROR: /pay [playerid] [amount]");
    else if(targetid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Player Not Found");
    else if(value > GetPlayerMoney(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "You can't afford that much");
        GivePlayerMoney(targetid, value);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "You received %i from %u");
        GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 0- value);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "You transfered %i to %u");
    return 1;

Next time put your errors in [ CODE] [/ CODE]

This is scripting help section not "Giving free commands" or whatever

Try to make pay command or search on ******.

Originally Posted by YanLanger
Посмотреть сообщение
This is scripting help section not "Giving free commands" or whatever

Try to make pay command or search on ******.
This is Scripting help section, so people can ask whatever they want!

Alright thank you everyone . By the way I did use ****** before I posted here, it's not that easy to find what you need! Also I will do code like this now, didn't know:

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