how can i make checkpoint at the end of my bike parkour?

i want to make a checkpoint at the end of my bike parkour map.. i want to create tht cheakpoint in world 5 and whenever player teleport at that checkpoint in world 0 so show them error like "you have cheated"

OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint give them $50000 + 5 score and set player world to 0

please help me!!

+rep for helping me

No reply pls help me

Checkpoints are only visible to the player therefor

You got two options

- Disable the teleport command if the player is in the parkour (player needs to finish the parkour)
- Cancel the parkour if he uses the teleport command (recommended - player can abort it anytime)

Checking inside the checkpoint if the world has changed isn't a good idea because the player could teleport anywhere and the checkpoint would stay

Some other things

- We are able to read normal letters fine, no need to use bigger bold letters or even colored ones
- If you add something with +rep, noone cares / you get ignored, just leave it away
- No Double Posting within at least 24 hours - Forum Rules

sorry for that but now i can't understand this forum language .. and pls show me the codes .. it will be great for me

Well you got an command or any event that triggers the bike parkour there you place your checkpoint

That is pretty much the idea, you will need to adjust / fit the code inside your mode
pawn Код:
// in your command / event code
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 5); // set the virtual world of the player who starts the parkour to 5
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, YOUR_X_COORD, YOUR_Y, YOUR_Z); // set the checkpoint
// and you already should have / need something to mark that the player is in the parkour
gIsPlayerInParkour[playerid] = true; // I don't know how your variable is called so I chose a pseudo name

// in OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint
    DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); // disables the checkpoint
    gIsPlayerInParkour[playerid] = false; // flags that the player isn't anymore in the parkour
    GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 50000); // gives the player 50000 dollar
    SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 5); // add 5 score to the player
    SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); // set the world to 0 again
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You finished the parkour, + $50000 + 5 score!");
    return true;

// in the teleport command if the player wants to skip the race
    gIsPlayerInParkour[playerid] = false;
    SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You left the parkour, no refund!");

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