
Help me how to popular a server i was started a server 2 year but no player base max 22 but that not everyday joining help me.

If you want good responses, at least add some structure to your thread - why would someone help you if you can't even put more than 15 seconds worth of effort into a problem that's supposeably affected you for 2 years?

1: Add server into hosted tab
2: Try to have unique features
3: Try to build a big comunity on forum
4: Have an attract Server name/Hostname
5: Make your website and forum professional

Invite you all friends in you server then post in ******** Server IP and you add it hosted tab and you professionaly make a website, then all time activing admin, then dont give admin bad english players...

make a unique features which can attract more players and buy hosted tab and make a good website

Thx :P I trying...

I think you aren't professional enough, professionality comes with maturity and decent English. Either you should invest money in your server which gives players the feeling that your community is stable. Based on this topic and your other SA-MP forum posts I think you are not very professional or mature, either I don't think you have the money to invest in your community.

Hosted Tab

First things first you need to work on your English, it's not "professional" to have a broken English speaking person running a server, I'm sorry. That's just the way it is. Especially when it comes to things like not capitalizing your letter I.

-Get a .com or any other paid domain (not a subdomain or anything like .tk)
-Have patience
-Get the word out there
-Have a custom scripted server or learn how to edit others, theres some very well done scripts that have been released to the public.
-Have a good staff team, that know English and know it well. (Amusing your going for an English speaking server)
-Put time and effort into it.

-Watch it grow.

I personally don't think it's all about uniqueness, it goes far beyond that. You can have the best script in the world with 10 million unique features, but if it's not user friendly, not easy to pick up and play, and don't have good admins you won't get anywhere.

There simply is NO guarantee that your server will be successful but you learn from trial and error. If you do manage to get some players, make sure you take ALL suggestions into consideration when it comes to players telling you what they like and dislike with the server.

Originally Posted by God'Z War
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1: Add server into hosted tab
2: Try to have unique features
3: Try to build a big comunity on forum
4: Have an attract Server name/Hostname
5: Make your website and forum professional
True dat.

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