[FilterScript] Healing Mobile with Textdraws[UNIQUE OR?]

Hi guys, Today I made a new mobile system using IPLEOMAX'S Textdraw system and pawno scripting, The commands are:
/mobileon (Set mobile to online mode)(On/Logon)
/mobileoff (Set mobile to offline mode)(Off/Shutdown)
/mobileuse (Lets us use the mouse of selecting textdraw)
/mobiledestroy (Removes the textdraw)

This was created in some hours because I was updating it again and again..

I am not using any good layout because I gtg to sleep! Tomorrow is school day.

1.How to heal ourself?
A1.load the filterscript, use /mobileon and wait 2 seconds for timer to end and the TD will create, then use /mobileuse and click the center circle which is like this > O < and then /mobileuse again then click menu then /mobileuse again then click heal and bla

2.How to destroy/hide the textdraw of mobile?
A2.Use /mobiledestroy for that

3.How to turn off mobile?
A3.Use /mobileoff

4.How to turn on mobile?
A4.Use /mobileon




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