Query execution time.


I want to ask.

How is constructed time of any query? i know if query is more structured it'is will take more time to complete if easer query that shorter time but still any query have time when it completed. From what parts it takes and maybe possible to make that parts any of them faster?

I take it that your 'query' here is an sql query, so here goes: the part that can be faster depends on a few things:

1. Your database structure. If you select things by ID or an index everything will be faster than doing a select on a fulltext or a LIKE.
2. The things you fetch from the database. If you select every field and then don't use it, why do you select every field? Only select the stuff you need.

Yea i know that already and i try to do everything i can to more optimize. But still i need more speed.

Nothing usefull. I already use threaded queries.

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