Test player (Possible with NPC)?


I am just trying to create a simple script by myself as I got nothing to do, and I was wondering if it's possible to actually script a player that you can e.g kick, ban and what not. If it's possible, could anyone please explain how to do it? I am just going to check how my commands are working, and if they are working properly. I do not have another computer or any others that could try it out as it's on my computer and I am not going to portforward etc, and it will get boring. So my question is-.. is it possible to script a NPC that you can kick, ban, teleport and do whatever you want with? I don't care if the NPC moves, as long as it's stated as a player. Just one, yes.

NB: It has to be 'registered' as a player so it's possible to kick the NPC, need to be in the tab-list so I can see it's ID.


Probably what you're looking for? I haven't personally used it, but as far the description goes, you can 'simulate' players with that.

Use Sandboxie

It allows you to run multiple instances of several programs/applications (& works with samp!)

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