Getting the instruction return in brackets


I was kinda bored today so I decided to challenge myself in something pretty hard.
It will be most likely useless but all I want is to know how to do.

The point is simple : I create an array, I put it as parameter of a function called "store", and in this function, I will put some function which return a number (float or integer). Each number returned will fill the lowest empty cell of the array.

If it's still blur to you, read this small code :

pawn Код:
new array[3];

forward myCallback();

      strval("2048"); // will return 2048
      CreateObject(18, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // will most likely return 0
      SetTimer("myCallback", 1500, false); // will return a timerid
So the point would be to store 2048 in the cell 0 of the array, 0 in the cell 1 and the timerid in the cell 2.

Question : how to catch the returned values by the instructions between brackets ? I know ****** did it in y_inline, but I'm just interested in "how".

Thanks to the persons who'll be able to answer me.

PS : I know I'll most likely have to use #emit but this is a very large domain and thus telling me "using #emit" would just be a vague answer.

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