02.08.2014, 14:37
hello guys , thx b4 for visiting my thread
this i got this message
it's keep spamming my server-log.txt
ok so i checked out Autopark in pawno and here it is
Thx , pls help me
this i got this message
[21:33:17] [debug] #0 000eea10 in public AutoPark () from gegeerpe.amx [21:33:18] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [21:33:18] [debug] Accessing element at index 2 past array upper bound 1
ok so i checked out Autopark in pawno and here it is
public AutoPark() { for(new x; x<=MAX_PLAYERS;x++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(x)) { for(new v=0;v<MAX_PLAYERVEHICLES; v++) { new Float:vx, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, Float:health; GetVehicleDamageStatus(PlayerVehicleInfo[x][v][pvId], PlayerVehicleInfo[x][v][pvStatus][0], PlayerVehicleInfo[x][v][pvStatus][1], PlayerVehicleInfo[x][v][pvStatus][2], PlayerVehicleInfo[x][v][pvStatus][3]); GetVehicleHealth(PlayerVehicleInfo[x][v][pvId], health); if(PlayerInfo[x][pLockCar] == GetPlayerVehicleID(x)) PlayerInfo[x][pLockCar] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID; GetVehiclePos(PlayerVehicleInfo[x][v][pvId], vx, y, z); GetVehicleZAngle(PlayerVehicleInfo[x][v][pvId], angle); PlayerVehicleInfo[x][v][pvPosX] = vx; PlayerVehicleInfo[x][v][pvPosY] = y; PlayerVehicleInfo[x][v][pvPosZ] = z; PlayerVehicleInfo[x][v][pvPosAngle] = angle; PlayerVehicleInfo[x][v][pvHealth] = health; } new Float:vx,Float:y,Float:z,Float:a, Float:health; GetVehicleDamageStatus(PlayerRentInfo[x][prId], PlayerRentInfo[x][prStatus][0], PlayerRentInfo[x][prStatus][1], PlayerRentInfo[x][prStatus][2], PlayerRentInfo[x][prStatus][3]); GetVehicleHealth(PlayerRentInfo[x][prId], health); GetVehiclePos(PlayerRentInfo[x][prId], vx, y, z); GetVehicleZAngle(PlayerRentInfo[x][prId], a); PlayerRentInfo[x][prPosX] = vx; PlayerRentInfo[x][prPosY] = y; PlayerRentInfo[x][prPosZ] = z; PlayerRentInfo[x][prPosAngle] = a; PlayerRentInfo[x][prHealth] = health; for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_WSCAR; i++) { new bos = PlayerInfo[x][pWSBos]; GetVehiclePos(WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleId][i], vx, y, z); GetVehicleZAngle(WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleId][i], a); WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleX][i] = vx; WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleY][i] = y; WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleZ][i] = z; WsInfo[bos][wsVehicleAngle][i] = a; } } } }