Gamemode needed

i was struggling for 2 month and didnt find a good script,although i try to script but i was not very much sucessfull , i was try to put so many gamemode in my server but none join..i m in search of a good gm based on freeroam /drift/stunt/race if you have or u can share with me just pm me and u will ranked as a highest member in Server+forum!

Originally Posted by VishalSama
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i was struggling for 2 month and didnt find a good script,although i try to script but i was not very much sucessfull , i was try to put so many gamemode in my server but none join..i m in search of a good gm based on freeroam /drift/stunt/race if you have or u can share with me just pm me and u will ranked as a highest member in Server+forum!
If you don't know how to script, it's hard for you to be a server owner.
- How do want to control your server players?
- How do want to control your server future bugs?
- How do want to update your server in the future?
and so many...

and there are alot of ppl will download the same gamemode, so how do you want your server be special if someone else has the same features/server?

Originally Posted by VishalSama
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although i try to script but i was not very much successfull
Everyone here were beginners and started to learn scripting and now most of them have their own servers. so why don't you become one of them?! SA-MP Team provide wiki for people to learn script, also there is a whole section in sa-mp forum talking about 'Scripting Help'. If you are so lazy for that, Better for you to play in random sa-mp server.

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