Business command problem

Hey, I'm testing out High Street's Roleplay script and I was trying to make business and there is no command such as /biznext , /bizedit..... and when I look at the Admin commands one of the commands said '/makeshoptech' but when I look at these commands I did not understand which one is the make business command.
Can anyone help me with this problem?

[Shoptech] /orders /shopblock /makevip /shopcar /shopcardel /shophouse /shoptokens /shoplaser /shopvest /gedit /gnear /gstatus /gnext /hnext /gotogate

Originally Posted by JordanSmith
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Hey, I'm testing out High Street's Roleplay script and I was trying to make business and there is no command such as /biznext , /bizedit..... and when I look at the Admin commands one of the commands said '/makeshoptech' but when I look at these commands I did not understand which one is the make business command.
Can anyone help me with this problem?

[Shoptech] /orders /shopblock /makevip /shopcar /shopcardel /shophouse /shoptokens /shoplaser /shopvest /gedit /gnear /gstatus /gnext /hnext /gotogate
Ask on the gamemode post, this is for scripting help not Gamemode Help.

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