y_ini case sensitive on linux?

I have problems with the usernames of my players. There can be for example Mike, MIKE,MiKE. How to make the system case sensitive?

In case of using Strcmp: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Strcmp - check the 'ignorecase' parameter!

He is asking to make the copying stuff case sensitive, I think.
And If you really just want to check the names, the ignorecase of the strcmp can help, as said above

I want when a person connects with a nick Mike or MIKE or MiKE and one of them is registered to go to the login dialog
I want to remove case sensitive
How can this happen?

Store everything in lower case to begin with. So if someone name 'Mike' joins, convert it to lower case 'mike' and use that as base filename.

Did i need to delete all registrations because they are not all in lower case?

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